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Frequently asked questions on interior and exterior doors answered by contractors and trade professionals.

Doors & Product Related

How do I measure my door?

When should I replace my front door?

Can I leave my door unfinished?

Can 6-1/2 in. jamb work for my 4-1/2 in. wall?

How do I determine my door swing?

What is the difference between solid core and hollow core interior doors?

What is the difference between fiberglass and a wood door?

How much does an iron door weigh?

Should I stain or paint my door before or after installation?

How long can I store my unfinished door in the garage?

What is the difference between a slab and a pre-hung door?

How to care for an iron door?

Can I paint my iron door?

What type of door is best for a house in Texas?

Why should I start my door project with door opening measurements?

What is a rough opening?

What are the different types of doors available for homes?

How do I properly maintain a wooden door?

What is a fire-rated door, and where in my home should I install one?

How often should exterior doors be replaced? 

How can I make my doors more energy-efficient?

What is the standard size for residential doors?

How do interior doors differ from exterior doors?

What methods can I use to soundproof my door?

How does weather affect my exterior doors, and how can I protect them?

What are the benefits of using fiberglass doors?